Friday, September 30, 2011

New Camera!!!

Yeah!!! So, I have had my last camera for over 2 and 1/2 years. It was a point and shoot Sony and it was great. It served our family very well for the time we had it. But it starting slagging and taking forever to take a picture, which is the exact opposite of what you need in a camera when you have a toddler! Also, the shutter wouldn't automatically open all the way so you had to push it the rest of the way, minor detail, though.

Anywho, I have been bitching for months about wanting a new camera. Michael for months was just like, buy one! I put it off and put it off and put it off until this week! I bought a Nikon D3100. It is a DSLR. I know nothing about them and know there will be a huge learning curve, but I am so excited! I have taken over 300 pictures in 3 days, crazy I know. Here are some samples of what I have taken.  The image quality is amazingly better and the speed is remarkable!  So, I look froward to my new journey with my camera!!!

Sloanie. Love how she is focused but the background is blurry!

Same here. Look at her cute PJ's!

It is sooo clear! Jelly crusted face and all!


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