Friday, September 30, 2011

New Camera!!!

Yeah!!! So, I have had my last camera for over 2 and 1/2 years. It was a point and shoot Sony and it was great. It served our family very well for the time we had it. But it starting slagging and taking forever to take a picture, which is the exact opposite of what you need in a camera when you have a toddler! Also, the shutter wouldn't automatically open all the way so you had to push it the rest of the way, minor detail, though.

Anywho, I have been bitching for months about wanting a new camera. Michael for months was just like, buy one! I put it off and put it off and put it off until this week! I bought a Nikon D3100. It is a DSLR. I know nothing about them and know there will be a huge learning curve, but I am so excited! I have taken over 300 pictures in 3 days, crazy I know. Here are some samples of what I have taken.  The image quality is amazingly better and the speed is remarkable!  So, I look froward to my new journey with my camera!!!

Sloanie. Love how she is focused but the background is blurry!

Same here. Look at her cute PJ's!

It is sooo clear! Jelly crusted face and all!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Zoo Day!

So, we are members of The Dallas Zoo, and we are SOOOOO excited that it is cooler now so we can start going more! Today we went to the zoo with Whitney, Charlotte, Carter, Sara and Stella- and we had a blast! Carter was a super trooper all day and had a ton of fun he is so patient with all the girls who are younger. Not to mention that Carter was the only boy with 6 girls, an outing that would scare any man! Here are some pictures from the day!

Sloanie and a goat, this is right before she skinned her knee, but she was a trooper no tears for my animal loving daughter!

Carter and Sloan peaking at the Duckies!

Yes, she is wearing cat ears!

Whit, Char, Sara and Stella feeding the fish!

Char and Whit!

The only shot I got of the three girls together!

She loves walking across this bridge!

Whitney was a trooper and took Sloan through the tunnel!

They survived!

Carter sliding flat, he thinks its hilarious.

Me and Sloan, best picture we could get. You parents know how it goes! :)

Sara and Stella feeding the Giraffes!

Lovely ladies!
Mommy and daughter!

Skip, Skip, Skip to my lou!

Besties chasing each other!

Carter sneaking some of my Diet Coke while Mommy's away! That's what Aunts are for!

The DuBrocs! How Cute!

Stella and Carter hanging with the fake elephants!

Sweet WhiWhi and Sloan!

Sliding down is so much fun!

Carter, I mean, Superman is SOOO big!

It was a great day. The weather was simply amazing! Can not wait to visit again and again and again! It is hours of entertaining!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nail Polish

I love having nail polish on. It looks nice, polished and adds a little fun to you, your hands and your outfit. A couple of years ago I discovered Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri nail polish... It is simply amazing. It dries in 60 seconds. Which is perfect for the Mom on the go. I will say it does chip rather easily, but given how long it takes to re-apply or touch-up, I think it is worth the chipping.

So, Ih ave been using this brand solely for a few years, then the other day on Pinterest I saw this color that I fell in love with, Rage by Orly. I have never fallen in love with a nail polish before in my life but this rose gold had my heart and my hands. So I went out to buy it, first store didnt have it, running out of time had to come home. The next day I went out again to find it, this time I went to Ulta and they had it!!!! And I love it. It is a normal nail polish, so I had to wait for it to dry which is super hard for me...but I did! It will definitely be a staple in my nail color collection! I love it you should go buy it! 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Single Parent for a week

Sooooo... Michael had to go out of town Monday thru Friday this week. Michael has to travel some for week, but it isn't to often and it is normally just a night or two... it has never been a full week. So going in to the week I was way skeptical of how exhausted I would be come Friday...and to be honest... it hasn't been that bad AT ALL!!! YIPPEEEE!

I think it is because on a normal day, I am with Sloan all day and I know that come 5 or 6 I will have help, so all day I am anticipating that help. But with Michael not here, I know I have no help so I don't expect it, so it wasn't that bad! I guess it was all about managing my expectations!

And, I didn't cook except one night. Which was AWESOME! I mean, I LOVE to cook. I consider it a hobby....but it was nice not having to do it! Had leftovers, went to my parents for dinner one night, had a frozen pizza one night- it was pretty awesome.

So all in all, my first M-F week alone was pretty good!  Luckily I have my best friend to entertain me! :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Houston, we have... The Covingtons?

Oh me, oh my. It is true, officially true. We are moving to Houston. Michael got a promotion with his company and within that promotion he will have to do a two year stint in Houston.  We received the news and the offer and the decision was very obvious for us as it is a great opportunity for Michael and then the reality of it sat in...I am going to live in Houston. I'm a Dallas girl, through and through so in the beginning, I'm talking a few hours after we found out about the offer, I cried and cried and cried. Then, I told my Mom the next day and cried some more. That was in May.... I haven't cried since. Though shocking at first, we are both more than fine with it, we are excited about the adventure. Luckily, it is still close and still a big city AND it is temporary (most important part)!

So, our journey in Houston is scheduled to start in March of 2012. For those of you that do not know, Michael works for  Tiff's Treats,  it is an AMAZING Cookie Delivery company! Yes, I'm talking you want warm cookies and cold milk delivered to your door? They will do it! Great for meetings, presents, hospital gifts or to just treat yourself on a rainy day! ;) Any who, they are opening several stores in the Houston Market and Michael is going to oversee and manage the process, while still overseeing all Austin and Dallas operations as well.

It will be a great adventure. And we will be back in Dallas often, have no fear!

Picture courtesy of Tiff's Treats


So I promised to blog a lot and what do you know, here it is again, almost a month and I havent written a darn thing! My bad! Life is so busy and I wouldnt trade it for the world! Sloan is now a year and four months- which is simply insane to me. It has flown by and we haev loved every last second of it! Everyday she is more and more fun. Staying at home with her is the best job I haev ever had, the hardest, but best!

A box of Styro peanuts...tons of fun!

I promise I will post more soon, promise, promise, promise!