Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Who's 2?? Sloan's 2!

I was lucky enough to be able to spend over a week in Dallas at the beginning of May, it was just what I needed! This 'transistion' if you will, is much harder than I had anticipated so I was grateful to be back in Dallas- where I belong! Hopefully it is just the pregnancy hormones that are making it so hard and that after I deliver I come to welcome Houston with open arms.... I'm sure having a newborn while knowing no one in this city will have that effect on me. Okay, enough of that- I really am trying to be positive about it, its just so hard.

So, I was home for a week and was able to get in playdates for Sloan, lunch dates and dinner dates for myself. It was SO NICE being back home and around friends and family! And we had a Dr. appt and all went well with that, so that is great too!

Michael joined me for the tail end of our trip so we could celebrate Sloan's 2nd birthday with a small group of family and friends. It was great! Sloan is so amazing now. She has the best personality and is so full of life. She is hilarious. She loved all the attention, the presents, the cakes, the candles...EVERYTHING! Infact, almost two weeks later, she still says Happy Birthday every night when we put her down!

After the party some of our close friends stayed at my parents house and hung out in the backyard until the wee hours of the night. Old School style with Covington made-up yard games, sitting in the lawn having some drinks, (I was drinking water) and laughing. It was wonderful. I miss doing that every weekend so much.

The next morning we had breakfast with my family to celebrate Michael's birthday while we were in town, it was delish. Then we had to pack up and head back to Houston.

So, even though it is like a mean little tease being back in Dallas, it was great being back in Dallas with friends and family to celebrate Sloan and Michael.

Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Carter kissing Sloan!

We are BOTH excited!

Loving her new Dora!

Riding Daddy's bike that we restored from when he was a kid!

So sweet- Daddy and Sloan


It's so easy to get a good picture with a 2 year old!

Michael and his sister MK.

Me and my sister, Whitney


Happy Birthday, Sloanie!

Doughs and Isaac

Calhoun and Scott playing keep away from a 4 year old.

P-I-G, it's Spencer's turn. Stand on Monster feet, hike football between legs into ball pit- no bounce out.

These two keep sane and make me insane for sure!

Ha ha, something spilt on Doughs

Life long friends, I am sure thinking of a devious plan

Viney is the ringer for sure, oh wait....

Danille fits right in as she threatens Michael with the baseball bat.

So, there is a small snapshot of the weekend. Again, it was great and we were so glad to be home, even for just a little bit!

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