Tuesday, June 21, 2011


So, yes, I am a stay at home mom now, it is true. And in being a stay at home mom there are so many things that are all about Sloan, which I love, but that also means there are sooooo few things about me. Maybe that is why, I still love to look cute. I try to get ready every day. Not partially ready, ready ready. I do not run errands in my yoga pants, tank top and fisor. (Not that I judge women that do...) But for ME, I find it important to get ready and look cute. Maybe I am ready by 9:00 some days, other days not until 12:00 and don't get me wrong, occasionally we do have an all day PJ day (but we for damn sure don't leave the house).  I don't not get ready cause I dare not be seen with no make-up or I look like a dragon- not true. I look fine not ready its just that when I am ready I feel more accomplished, more confident and just finished.

I'm a firm believer that in life it is 'to each their own' and to mine is to be READY! I hope that no matter what happens, how many kids we have that I can still make time every day to get ready. It makes me feel happy and makes me feel like me! Gotta be able to leave the house or host at the drop of a hat!

And here's to my new, super cute dress that I bought at Target on sale ($15), my lovely gold wedges, an antique locket necklaces, classic gold hoops and freshly painted nails! Oh, and curled hair- always!

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